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 Video Production
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Video production 19 Februarie 2025
Video production

Video production

Video production is the process of producing video content for TV, home video or the internet. It is the equivalent of filmmaking, but with video recorded digitally instead of film stock. A video editor assembles the footage and a video producers coordinates the entire process.

Corporate video
Corporate videos production can be scripted and covers a wide range of purposes from corporate Communication, Training and Education, Marketing, videotaping conferences and conventions, products and services, and sales. The most common type of corporate video is the "Corporate Overview," which introduces the company's exec team and puts a name and face to the leaders of the company. This video is used as a way to communicate a company's core beliefs and values as well as their overall mission statement. Often called the "foundation" of a company's video content, it sets the tone and communication style for all of their other video content.

Corporate event videos
Corporate event videos occur at conventions or trade shows and cover the event including speakers, break-out sessions, awards ceremonies and somemtimes local recreational activities in which the conventioneers participate. Many larger companies also take advantage of the convention venue to gather interviews of their key employees or customers to speak on the company's behalf as it is logistically easier to film everyone at a central location.

Product videos
Product videos are created with the main purpose of selling a product and offer an opportunity to communicate all of the highlights and features of a product with the added bonus of showcasing glamour shots of the product. The most effective product videos are typically between 2 and 3 minutes in duration, balancing the amount of information provided while keeping the audience engaged.

TV broadcast
Television broadcast productions include TV commercials, infomercials, newscasts, game shows, documentaries, news magazines, among others.
TV commercials edits are usually 30 seconds long and are carefully vetted for technical standards and any claims accuracy since, since this is a highly regulated space.

Event video
Video production can be used at sporting, school, stage, wedding, church, and similar events to provide recordings of the events. Event video productions range in distribution from a wedding video that is custom made for a bride and groom and their immediate family and friends, to a dance recital where dozens to hundreds of videos are sold to individual dancers. Event video production can also be used to broadcast events live to viewers at home such as a press conference or concert.

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 EUR 4.9134 lei 
 USD 4.9470 lei 
 GBP 5.7099 lei 
 CAD 3.6523 lei 
 AUD 3.1896 lei 
 XAU 262.6787 lei 
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